Texas Farm Bureau members have a financial opportunity for family members to attend Texas State Technical College.

“TSTC’s partnership with Texas Farm Bureau is the perfect example of working together for the greater good of Texas. These scholarships help to eliminate the financial barriers for students and families wishing to pursue a technical degree at one of TSTC’s ten campuses across the state,” said Beth Wooten, Chief Executive Officer of The TSTC Foundation. “We are profoundly grateful for the opportunities these scholarships provide in helping TSTC place more Texans in great paying jobs.”

Texas Farm Bureau officials said TSTC was a perfect partner.

“Our members are farmers, ranchers and agricultural producers. The skills students at TSTC learn are valuable to farmers and ranchers,” said Mia Balko, Texas Farm Bureau’s director of Youth Outreach. “That is one of the reasons we started offering these scholarships.”
The Texas Farm Bureau gift allows TSTC to award $1,000 scholarships to eligible first year TSTC students. The scholarships are awarded on a first come, first serve basis to Texas Farm Bureau members.
Other financial opportunities are available for current students, including additional student aid.

Balko said Texas Farm Bureau has been pleased with the success of the scholarship opportunities.

Balko encourages Texas Farm Bureau members attending TSTC to take advantage of this opportunity.

For more information on the Texas Farm Bureau scholarship opportunities, visit tstc.edu/financialaid/addscholarship.

For more information on Texas State Technical College, go to tstc.edu.