Dew ISD held their monthly Board meeting on Monday, May 18, 2020 and discussions ranged from new employees to grants.

The possible COVID-19 schedule changes will are planned to be discussed at next week’s meeting on Monday, June 22, 2020.

Four new teachers were discussed: Coach Ehlert, Mrs. Crowell, Mrs. Allman and Mrs. Taylor.
Additionally, Mrs. Mary Simpson was officially named custodial supervisor and given a pay raise, and the board approved a new full-time custodial position.

Teacher and Librarian contract were approved as recommended.

The board approved advertisement for sale or exchange of surplus property owned by the district.

The E-Rate grant was approved for $18,400, and are planned for technology infrastructure items.

Other items discussed include:

–Meals to you delivery has started

–Not all transfers are being renewed; patrons can come to the board if they feel the need

–Roof Project began Monday, June 1, 2020

–District Citizen’s request for relief of tax penalties was denied

–COVID waiver requests were discussed as the agency has requested the board be informed.