National FFA Week is a time for FFA members to host activities that raise awareness about the role FFA plays in the development of agriculture’s future leaders and the importance of agricultural education. National FFA Week always runs Saturday to Saturday and encompasses Feb.22,which is George Washington’s birthday. It is a great time for educators and students to advocate for agriculture all week long with activities, social media, and showing what is available throughout the FFA.


   Teague is known to have a long history of a successful and hardworking FFA program. Our program has grown to over 300 students. This year’s chapter officer are President Raeanna Burns(Junior),Vice President Carl Shugart (Senior),Secretary Jayci Phillips (Sophomore),Reporter Leynie Horton(Junior),Treasurer Kameryn Thompson (Freshman),Sentinel Leah Goodwin (Senior),And Student Advisor Grace Smith (Freshman).


    Teague FFA has had an eventful, yet exciting year so far, but still so much more to come! Some event highlights from this year include, attending major livestock shows, competing in Leadership Development Events, Career Development Events,(Judging teams),Public Speaking Events, Ag mechanic shows, and much more. Teague advanced to the Area Vlll contest in our Leadership Development Contest with 6 teams. We also participated in plant identification contest and won 1st place team at multiple contest with many high point individuals and scholarships were won at each contest. We expect many more awards and scholarships to be won this spring, which has just started. We are working on judging teams, county fair animals, and plenty other projects. We are so excited to compete and participate throughout this semester!


   Teague FFA would like to thank our community, Teague Young Farmers, and Our school board for all the support, sponsorships, and encouragement which has helped us succeed!


Click here to read the 2023 Spotlight on FFA Chapters in Freestone County, Texas.