The Jonathan Hardin Chapter of the Daughter’s of the American Revolution met for their monthly program with Regent Nancy McSwane presiding. The meeting was held on March 10, 2021 at the Gibbs Memorial Library in Mexia.

Regent McSwane called the meeting to order and welcomed members, speaker and guests. Chaplain Marsha Black gave the invocation, then the DAR ritual was led by Jackie Tidwell. Madam Regent led members in the pledge to the American flag and the American creed followed by Pat Wiggins leading the pledge to the Texas flag. The President General’s message was read by Regent Nancy McSwan, which was entitled “Hope Around the Corner”. Regent McSwane also presented certificates to Chaplain Marsha Black, Kay Alston and Diane Pullin.

Introduction of our special guest, Jane Schlitt of the Limestone County Master Gardener Club was given by First Vice Regent, Kathleen McKee. Mrs. Schlitt presented a beautiful power point presentation titled “Butterflies, Bees & Moths”. Her presentation included the best ways to create pollinator gardens with features to attract butterflies, bees and moths by using native plants rich in nectar and pollen. Planting a variety of annuals and perennials that bloom at different times throughout the year will create a sanctuary from spring until late fall. Mrs Schlitt also pointed out the importance of shelter such as a densely planted bed, trellis or even small piles of fallen sticks for our winged friends and warned against placing birdhouses or feeders near your pollinator garden. Some plants she suggested using are Lirope, Agave, Lantana, Salvia, Yarrow, Milkweed and Gregg’s Mist Flower among many others. The program was informative, interesting and delightful. I’m sure Mrs Schlitt encouraged many in attendance to begin their very own pollinator garden.

Committee reports were given after the program concluded. Registrar Patti Gauntt announced four prospective members whose applications are pending, they are; Gayle Carpenter, Regina Robinson, Francis Collins and Dianne Horton. Giving the American Indian minutes was, Nancy Rula who spoke of John Jumper, a Principal Chief of the Seminole Indians from 1849-1865 and 1882-1885 and who was also a Baptist pastor. Corresponding Secretary, Teresa Penny shared the sweet thank you cards the chapter received from the Kate Duncan Smith DAR school in which the Jonathan Hardin Chapter recently made a donation. The chapter’s donation was given to Mrs. Traylor’s second grade classroom. Each of the students sent a personalized thank you card along with a class photo. It is an honor to be able to be a part of this wonderful school and contribute to educating the next generation. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at the Gibbs Library in Mexia.

Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American Independence is eligible for membership. For more information about joining the Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR please contact Regent Nancy McSwane at 254-359-4620 or Registrar Patti Gauntt at 903-388-5677.