by Jan Fielden

I put Sundance up on Saturday night because I didn’t want her out in the approaching storm. It seemed as if the minute I put her up, the sun came out and things were looking up. I told her that she would thank me on Sunday morning. She didn’t think so. She wanted to be with her “herd”, the Yearlings. She paced, she ran, she bucked, she acted really horsey. Of course, some of it had to be from being locked up for 4 days already and then going back in to it after one measly free day.

I was totally surprised when Sundance came the moment I called her. I believe she knew it was going to be bad weather but didn’t want to give up the freedom of the Horse Pasture. So, the rain came and came and on Sunday morning I drove down to let her out, not knowing what kind of mood she would be in. However, I was grateful that she came up to me and nuzzled me! I swear sometimes she is almost human! I truly believe she understands some words; in fact, I know she does. When I tell her to back up without any other signal to do so, she will back up. Sundance is a great horse although she is not as calm and well behaved as Miss Sable was. She sometimes pitches fits before calming down!

Sundance is a beautiful horse and I do love her dearly. She kind of takes care of the little calves when they stray too far from their mothers. She will nudge them back over to Momma even if it was OK with Momma that their calf wandered a little bit. You never know what is going on and what is going to happen at the Red Oak Ranch.