by Jan Fielden

We worked all day on Saturday, but enjoyed every minute of it! Ours boys (actually men) came down for a “work day”. It was a very special treat to have them here and very helpful that they got a lot of things taken care of for us. The Colonel and I have had a lot of work on our plate and it seems that it keeps on filling up.

One of the boys took care of the broken but “hung up” limb on the tree. We were afraid that it would fall and break the fence. We already are having to get a new gate due to limbs, etc. So, the “work crew” took care of a lot of things that needed to be done but it was more than we could handle ourselves. We made sure everybody had a water break. Then they went back to work. One of them got up on the house to fix the roof and fix the spots that the winds had blown shingles off of.

So, with all of that done, we all set down and had lunch. Everybody had a good time at lunch just visiting with each other. The Red Oak Ranch had a great time!