Last week’s Senior Honor Assembly at Fairfield High School was a bit emotional with smiles, laughter, and a few tears as Principal Von Wade gave his last tribute to the Class of 2019.
“Four years ago I told this class that they were special,” said Mr. Wade, “and they have proven that by their actions.”
This year’s Honor Grads achieved their status by earning a grade point average in excess of 4.00. Each of these students also earned the President’s Award for Education by additionally scoring over the 85th percentile on either the SAT or ACT examinations.
Honor Grads for 2019 include: Paige Alexyss Allen, Molly McAfee Allred, Ty Howard Bachtel, Kathryn Nicole Bogle, Alexandra Danielle Castaneda, Edith Lynn Cockerell, Morgan Brianne Coleman, Parker Adam Eidson, Jackson Bryce Ezell, Ashlyn Nicole Garcia, Gregory Jordan Gibson, Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher, McClinton Lee Jones, Kolton Michael Mabry, Aaron Dale Minze, Ashlyn Kate Partain, Kailyn Alyssa Partain, Suhaniben H Patel, Melanie Pina, Michael Blake Posey, Josey Jane Richardson, Samantha Louise Roberson, Angeles Michelle Rosales, Brodrick Keyshawn Rose, Ashley Nicole Sanchez, Aaryn Leigh-Anne Scires, Clifford Robert Smith, Mayra Teresa Soto, Allison Roy Valentin, and Anna Kaye Williams.
This year’s Valedictorian is Angeles Michelle Rosales. Salutatorian is Anna Kaye Williams.
Ninety-nine of this year’s seniors are graduating under the Foundation Program with an Endorsement. They include: Paige Alexyss Allen, Molly McAfee Allred, Lisa Yoselin Amparan, Hailey Nichole Antley, Joshua Dean Arrington, Ty Howard Bachtel, Bryan Baez, Kyleah Marin Bennett, Kathryn Nicole Bogle, Ella Jane Boyington, Dawanna Mashall Brooks, Tawanna Roshall Brooks, Johnny Ray Burns II, Andre Rodrigues Carter, Tonio LaDarrian Carter, Alexandra Danielle Castaneda, Rosa Andrea Cervantes Almanza, Coral De Los Angeles Chavez, Edith Lynn Cockerell, Joshua James Coleman, Morgan Brianne Coleman, Shyvon Ventrice Coleman, Justin David Cooper, Marlene Corona, Nathaniel Lee Craddock, KeShun Deonte Crenshaw, Devin Danye Cunningham, Carter Ray Davis, Jordan D’Shawn Dawkins, De’Untre Marciano Dixon, Keagean Blade Doiron, Parker Adam Eidson, Vanessa Escobedo, Jackson Bryce Ezell, Cody Daniel Ferguson, Ashlyn Nicole Garcia, Gregory Jordan Gibson, Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher, Darrell Houston Jr., Kyleigh Anne Hudson, Shaleah Denae Hunt, Iesha LaJeanAnn Jenkins, Darrell Leon Jones, Jasmine Chantey Jones, McClinton Lee Jones, Kaitlynn Ann Judd, Jillian Paige Lane, Rodrick Deshawn Larkin, Lloyd Jackson Latshaw, Hannah Marie Leatherman, Preston Tyler Long, Kolton Michael Mabry, Dylan Chase Maciel, Brissa Elizabeth McDonald, Garrett Bradley Mensch, Shawn Michael Mills, Aaron Dale Minze, Chalee Faith Moore, Anahy Portillo Munoz, Jaise Patrick Oliver, Ashlyn Kate Partain, Kailyn Alyssa Partain, Suhaniben H Patel, Johnny Cole Perez, Haley Daniel Phillips, Melanie Pina, Antwuan Jermaine Polk, Wyatt Matthew Poole, Michael Blake Posey, Edgar German Pozada, Kameron Demond Ransom, Samantha Reyes, Josey Jane Richardson, Samantha Louise Roberson, Jose Ignacio Rodriguez, Angeles Michelle Rosales, Brodrick Keyshawn Rose, John Dylan Rose, Chad David Rushin, Ashley Nicole Sanchez, Justin Allen Sander, Aaryn Leigh-Anne Scires, Preston Reid Simpson, Autumn Laurel Sleziak, Chandler Evan Sleziak, Clifford Robert Smith, Lena Madison Smith, Mayra Teresa Soto, Jera Bethany Tarbala Keithley, Denitra NaSha Thurman, Morgan Kathleen Treece, Allison Roy Valentin, Adan Jonatan Vazquez, KaDarrius Demon Walker, Anna Kaye Williams, Kenneth Clayton Williams, Marjorie Annelyse Wilson, Daisha Nicole Yarbrough, and Jordan Anette Zamora.
Earning the UIL Scholar Award for academic excellence through competition include: Molly McAfee Allred, Morgan Brianne Coleman, Ashlyn Nicole Garcia, Gregory Jordan Gibson, McClinton Lee Jones, Kolton Michael Mabry, Ashlyn Kate Partain, Kailyn Alyssa Partain, Suhaniben H Patel, Melanie Pina, Angeles Michelle Rosales, and Anna Kaye Williams.
Also recognized were those students who have donated blood twice during the year. They include: Paige Alexyss Allen, Preston Tyler Long, Molly McAfee Allred, Dylan Chase Maciel, Lisa Yoselin Amparan, Brissa Elizabeth McDonald, Hailey Nichole Antley, Shawn Micheal Mills Jr., Ty Howard Bachtel, Anahy Portillo Munoz, Bryan Baez, Ashlyn Kate Partain, Kathryn Nicole Bogle, Kailyn Alyssa Partain, Edith Lynn Cockerell, Suhaniben H Patel, Morgan Brianne Coleman, Haley Daniel Louanne Phillips, Marlene Corona, Melanie Pina, Jackson Bryce Ezell, John Dylan Rose, Ashlyn Nicole Garcia, Brodrick Keyshawn Rose, Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher, Aaryn Leigh-Anne Scires, D’Mitri Sebastian Hodnett, Lena Madison Smith, Kyleigh Anne Hudson, Jera Bethany Tarbala Keithley, Jasmine Chantey Jones, Denitra NaSha Thurman, Kaitlynn Ann Judd, Morgan Kathleen Treece, Jillian Paige Lane, Marjorie Annelyse Wilson, Lloyd Jackson Latshaw.
U.S. Military Awards
Receiving a Certificate of Enlistment into the U.S. Marine Corps were Paige Alexyss Allen and Wyatt Matthew Poole, earning each $180,000 with the GI Bill.
Also presented honors:
–Distinguished Athlete: Ty Howard Bachtel
–Scholastic Excellence: Angeles Michelle Rosales
–‘Semper Fideles’ Musical Excellence: Anna Kaye Williams

Receiving an Enlistment and Volleyball Scholarship from the U.S. Air Force Academy in the amount of $500,000 for five years was Aaryn Leigh-Ann Scires (left).
Receiving a U.S. Army Enlistment Scholarship in the amount of $180,000 with the GI Bill was Preston Reid Simpson.
Community Scholarships
–A Christine Gibson Memorial Scholarship was presented in the amount of $1,000 to Gregory Jordan Gibson.
–Three Fairfield Lions Club Scholarships, in the amount of $500 each, were presented to Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher, Josey Jane Richardson, and Morgan Kathleen Treece.
–Fairfield Band Booster’s scholarships, each in the amount of $600, were presented to Anna Kaye Williams (Mary Robinson Scholarship), and Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher and Angeles Michelle Rosales (Fairfield Band Scholarships).
–Four scholarships from Fairfield Masonic Lodge No. 103 were presented in the amount of $500 each to Edith Lynn Cockerell, Jackson Bryce Ezell, Aaron Dale Minze, and Lena Madison Smith.

–Mr. George Robinson presented the first Kindness from Case Memorial Scholarship in Honor of his son, Case. 2019 recipient was Morgan Kathleen Treece (above left), receiving $500.
–Fairfield Rotary Club presented the Fairfield Rotary Club J.E. “Son” Lott Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to Mayra Teresa Soto and the Fairfield Rotary Club Four Way Test Essay or Video Scholarships to Molly McAfee Allred for $1,000 and to Preston Tyler Long in the amount of $500.
–Farmers State Bank presented three scholarships in the amount of $500 each to Angeles Michelle Rosales, Lena Madison Smith, and Daisha Nicole Yarbrough.
–The GFWC/History Club presented three Leatha Parker Memorial Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to Jackson Bryce Ezell, Kaitlynn Ann Judd, and Anna Kaye Williams; and a Jack and Margaret Ritter Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to Gregory Jordan Gibson.
–Trinity Star Arts Council scholarship was presented to Anna Kaye Williams in the amount of $1,000.
–The Sally Rose Awalt Media Center and Fairfield Library Scholarship was presented to Molly McAfee Allred in the amount of $500.
–Community National Bank and Trust of Texas have pledged financial assistance over thirty years for scholarships to students at Fairfield High School. The Rankin Gilpin Memorial Scholarship was presented to Michael Blake Posey in the amount of $400 for 4 semesters, totaling $1,600. Community National Bank and Trust of Texas Scholarships were presented to Gregory Jordan Gibson and Aaron Dale Minze, each in the amount of $1,500 per year for 4 years, totaling $6,000.

–The 2019 Jonathan Childers Memorial Scholarship was presented to members of the power lifting team. “Powerlifting has always been a passion for the Childers’s Family and Johnny’s love for it made it the logical choice.” Recipients (left) include: Edith Lynn Cockerell, Ashlyn Nicole Garcia, and Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher (not pictured), receiving $100 each.
–Freestone Credit Union Scholarships in the amount of $500 each were presented to Jackson Bryce
Ezell, Iesha LaJean Ann Jenkins, and Lena Madison Smith.
–Freestone County 4-H Adult Leadership Scholarship in the amount of $500 was presented to Preston
Reid Simpson.
–The Rosales Prime Investment Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 was presented to Angeles Michelle
–Fairfield Eagle Club Scholarships were presented to Ty Howard Bachtel, Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher, Ashlyn Kate Partain, and Michael Blake Posey in the amount of $400 each.
–Community Care Club Scholarships of St. Elmo, Winkler, and Streetman communities around the Richland Chambers Lake presented two $1,000 scholarships to Ashlyn Nicole Garcia and Samantha Louise Roberson.
–The Hazel Grace Mayes Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $500 was presented to Gregory Jordan Gibson.
–Three Freestone County Federation of Choirs Scholarships in the amount of $400 each were presented to Johnny Ray Burns II, Darrell Houston Jr., and Aaryn Leigh-Anne Scires.
–The Blackhat Education Fund Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each were presented to Samantha Reyes and Angeles Michelle Rosales.
–Miss Teen Freestone County presented a scholarship in the amount of $250 to Ashlyn Nicole Garcia.
–The First United Methodist Church Scholarship was presented to Jackson Bryce Ezell in the amount of $2,000.
–A Centex Citizens Credit Union Scholarship was presented to Morgan Brianne Coleman in the amount of $1,000.
–The Sarah Anderson Memorial Scholarship was presented to Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher in the amount of $600.
–The Dogan Alumni Scholarships in the amount of $500 each were presented to Morgan Brianne Coleman, Gregory Jordan Gibson, and Daisha Nicole Yarbrough.
–A Barn Stompers Square Dance Club scholarship in the amount of $500 was presented to Anahy Portillo Munoz.
–A Ford Driving Dreams scholarship from Freestone Ford in Fairfield and Ford Fund was presented to Ashlyn Kate Partain in the amount of $2,000.
–Ward Prairie Baptist Church presents a scholarship in the amount of $500 to Lloyd Jackson Latshaw.
–Winkler Masonic Lodge presented two scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each to Edith Lynn Cockerell and Aaron Dale Minze.
–Winner of this year’s David Smoak’s ESPN-Central Texas Academic All-Stars and a $1,000 scholarship is Gregory Jordan Gibson. Out of some amazing student-athletes, only 20 students were chosen for this honor.
–A Houston Flowers Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $500 was presented to Ashlyn Nicole Garcia.

–Mr. Eli Pratt will presented four Incommons Bank of Fairfield Mickey Stubbs Memorial Scholarships (abover) to Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher, Preston Tyler Long, Kolton Michael Mabry, and Josey Jane Richardson in the amount of $500 each.
–A Pat and Faye Donovan Family Memorial Scholarship was presented to Allison Roy Valentin in the amount of $1,200.
–WoodmenLife presented a scholarship in the amount of $500 to Daisha Nicole Yarbrough.
–Texas Federation of Women’s Club (TFWC) presented the University of Texas 1903 scholarship to Gregory Jordan Gibson in the amount of $1,375; a TFWC Eleanor Tipps Scholarship to Ashlyn Nicole Garcia in the amount of $1,000; and a TFWC Trinity District Janet Loftis Memorial Scholarship to Ty Howard Bachtel in the amount of $500.
–The Cole Family presents a Clay Cole Memorial Golf Scholarship in the amount of $500 to Kailyn Alyssa Partain.
–The Dew Community Education Foundation awarded a Scholarship in the amount of $500 to Jackson Bryce Ezell.
–Seven Robert Swain Memorial Scholarships were presented this year to Edith Lynn Cockerell ($300), Preston Tyler Long ($300), Kolton Michael Mabry ($300), Garrett Bradley Mensch ($300), Jaise Patrick Oliver ($300), Morgan Kathleen Treece ($500), and Anna Kaye Williams ($300).
–Two Eagle Flag Football scholarships were presented to Ashlyn Kate Partain and Kailyn Alyssa Partain in the amount of $250 each.

–Miss Fall Frolic Scholarship Pageant presented a $500 scholarship to Jera Bethany Tarbala Keithley (left).
–Only twelve students were chosen for the Tyler Area Basketball Officials scholarship in the amount of $1,000. This scholarship was presented to Gregory Jordan Gibson.
–An Otherside Scholarship Fund Award was presented to Joshua Dean Arrington. This scholarship is the amount of $30,000 over four years.
–Cotton Gin Masonic Lodge #154 of Kirvin, Texas presented a Scholarship in the amount of $500 to Lena Madison Smith.
–Three Booker T. Washington / J.A. Brooks Alumni Scholarships were presented to Morgan Brianne Coleman, Gregory Jordan Gibson, and Daisha Nicole Yarbrough.
–This year’s recipient of the Stephenson-Perona Scholarship Award in the amount of $5,000 is Gregory Jordan Gibson.
State/National Industry Scholarships
–A 2019 American Electric Power Educational Trust Scholarship is presented in the amount of $8,000 to Jackson Bryce Ezell.
–Nucor Steel Scholarships were presented to Gregory Jordan Gibson, D’Mitri Sebastian Hodnett, and Antwuan Jermaine Polk Jr.; each in the amount of $3,500 per year for four years, totaling $14,000.
–The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo presents a Go Texan Scholarship in the amount of $20,000 over four years to Gregory Jordan Gibson.
–NRG Energy presented five ecoNRG Environmental Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each to Molly McAfee Allred, Ty Howard Bachtel, Ashlyn Kate Partain, Kailyn Alyssa Partain, and Melanie Pina.
–The Texas Girls Coaches Association presented two Certificate of Achievements, 2018-2019 Volleyball Academic All-State to Ashlyn Kate Partain and Kailyn Alyssa Partain.
–The Texas Girls Coaches Association presented a Certificate of Achievement, 2018-2019 Cross-Country Academic All-State to Morgan Brianne Coleman.
–The Texas Girls Coaches Association presented two Certificate of Achievements, 2018-2019 Cross-Country All-State to Morgan Brianne Coleman and Lena Madison Smith.
College/University Scholarships
–A Navarro College Opening Doors To Success Scholarship was presented to Mayra Teresa Soto in the amount of $500 per semester for four semesters, totaling $2,000.
–Texas State University presented a Texas State Achievement Scholarship in the amount of $5,000 per year which is renewable for four years for a total of $20,000 to Molly McAfee Allred.
–Sam Houston State University presented a Sam Houston Honors Scholarship in the amount of $4,250 per year for four years for a grand total of $17,000 to Anna Kaye Williams.
–Texas Tech University presented a Presidential Scholarship in the amount of $5,000 per year for four years totaling $20,000 and a Dean of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Scholarship in the amount of $1,200 for a grand total of $21,200 to Ashlyn Kate Partain.
–The University of Tulsa presented a Full 100% Athletic Scholarship to play football in the amount of $53,148 per year for a four year total of $212,592 to Jaise Patrick Oliver.
–Trinity Valley Community College presented a TVCC Band Scholarship in the amount of $1,050 per semester for four semesters totaling $4,200 to Kolton Michael Mabry.
–The University of Texas at Austin presented a UT Austin Scholarship in the amount of $2,500 per semester for four years totaling $10,000 to Gregory Jordan Gibson.
–The Terry Foundation presented a 2019 Terry Scholar Scholarship to assist with the cost of attending Sam Houston State University in the amount of approximately $20,000 per year for a four year total of $80,000 to Anna Kaye Williams.
–Harding University in Searcy, AR presented a Cross Country/Track Athletic Scholarship in the amount of $10,000 per year for a four year total of $40,000 to Lena Madison Smith.
–Tyler Junior College presented a Football Athletic Scholarship in the amount of $4,000 per semester for four semesters for a grand total of $16,000 to Kameron Demond Ransom.
–Texas State University presented a Texas State Distinguished Scholarship in the amount of $2,000 per year for four years totaling $8,000 to Morgan Brianne Coleman.
–Texas Tech University presented a Presidential Scholarship in the amount of $4,000 per year for four years for a total of $16,000 to Kailyn Alyssa Partain.
–McPherson College in McPherson, KS presented a Presidential Award in the amount of $1,000 per year for four years totaling $4,000, a Provost Award in the amount of $14,000 per year for four years totaling $56,000, and a Football Award in the amount of $36,000 over the four years for a grand total of $96,800 to Joshua Dean Arrington.
–The University of Mary Hardin Baylor presents a UMHB Endowed Scholarship in the amount of $597 per year for four years for a total of $2,388, a Whitmire Endowed Scholarship in the amount of $491 per year for four years for a total of $1964, a Wilbanks Endowed Scholarship in the amount of $444 per year for four years for a total of $1776, a Crusader Scholarship in the amount of $3,771 per year for four years for a total of $15,084, a Founders Scholarship in the amount of $2,500 per year for four years for a total of $10,000, and a Gertrude Pudig York Presidential Scholarship in the amount of $69 per year for four years for a total of $276 for a grand total of $31,488 to Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher.
–Texas State University presents a Texas State Achievement Scholarship in the amount of $3,000 per year which is renewable for four years for a total of $12,000 and a Bobcat Promise Scholarship in the amount of $11,000 per year for four years totaling $44,000 for a grand total of $56,000 to Brodrick Keyshawn Rose.
–Texas Tech University presents a Presidential Scholarship in the amount of $4,000 per year for four years for a total of $16,000 to Ashlyn Nicole Garcia.
–Baylor University presents a Baylor and Beyond Scholarship in the amount of $3,000 per year for four years for a total of $12,000, a Baylor Provost’s Gold Scholarship in the amount of $18,000 per year for four years for a total of $72,000, and a Need Based Baylor Scholarship in the amount of $1,750 per year for four years for a total of $7,000 for a grand total of $91,000 to Jackson Bryce Ezell.
School Scholarships

“Every so often we have a student who brings excitement and laughter every day,” said Principal Wade. “You will not find a more loyal supporter of Fairfield High School and she will be missed by all.” Fairfield High School recognized the outstanding contribution of Bria MyKay Green (above left).
Additional school awards include the following:
–A Beta Club Scholarship in Memory of Jonya Anderson Schuman was presented to Kolton Michael Mabry in the amount of $500.
–Fairfield High School’s Social Studies Department presents a scholarship in memory of Ms. Linda Melontree in the amount of $300 to Daisha Nicole Yarbrough.
–Fairfield High School Eagle Publications scholarships in the amount of $400 each are presented to Molly McAfee Allred and Mayra Teresa Soto.
–A Math Department Scholarship in memory of James & Beth Ireland was presented to Gregory Jordan Gibson in the amount of $620.
–An Art Club Scholarship was presented to Samantha Louise Roberson in the amount of $600.
–Drama Club Scholarships were presented to Jackson Bryce Ezell for $300, Preston Tyler Long for $300, Garrett Bradley Mensch for $150, Suhaniben H Patel for $150, Mayra Teresa Soto for $200, and Anna Kaye Williams for $400.
–The Association of Texas Professional Educators Scholarships were presented to Molly McAfee Allred for $100, Joshua Dean Arrington for $100, Ty Howard Bachtel for $100, Kathryn Nicole Bogle for $100, Edith Lynn Cockerell for $100, Morgan Brianne Coleman for $100, Ashlyn Nicole Garcia for $100, Gregory Jordan Gibson for $100, Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher for $100, Iesha LaJeannAnn Jenkins for $100, Ashlyn Kate Partain for $100, Kailyn Alyssa Partain for $100, Melanie Pina for $100, Angeles Michelle Rosales for $250, Lena Madison Smith for $100, Mayra Teresa Soto for $100, Morgan Kathleen Treece for $100, Anna Kaye Williams for $250, Jordan Anette Zamora for $100. Scholarships totaled $2,200 for 2019.
–Interact Club Scholarships were presented to Molly McAfee Allred for $300, Jackson Bryce Ezell for $100, Kaitlynn Ann Judd for $100, Preston Tyler Long for $100, Kolton Michael Mabry for $300, Dylan Chase Maciel for $100, Suhanibel H Patel for $200, and Mayra Teresa Soto for $200.
–Fairfield High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes Scholarships were presented to Joshua Dean Arrington for $150, Jackson Bryce Ezell for $150, Garrett Bradley Mensch for $150, Mayra Teresa Soto for $100, and Anna Kaye Williams for $200.
–Student Council Scholarships were presented to Morgan Brianne Coleman for $200, Ashlyn Nicole Garcia for $150, Jashaughn Shayne Hatcher for $75, Kailyn Alyssa Partain for $100, Melanie Pina for $100, and Aaryn Leigh-Anne Scires for $75.
–Ms. Kim Rachel, retiring Fairfield ISD counselor, elected to give a scholarship in lieu of a rocking chair in the amount of $300 to Brodrick Keyshawn Rose.
–Ms. Pat Harper has elected to give a scholarship instead of accepting a rocking chair for her retirement. A scholarship, in the amount of $300 and in honor of Pat Harper, is being presented to Anahy Portillo Munoz.
–Ms. Vickie McDougal elected to give a scholarship in lieu of a rocking chair in the amount of $300 to Melanie Pina.
–Ms. Janice Gallegos elected to give a scholarship in lieu of a rocking chair in the amount of $300 to Edith Lynn Cockerell.
–Coach Joey Worley has elected to give a scholarship instead of accepting a rocking chair for his retirement. A scholarship, in the amount of $300 and in honor of Coach Joey Worley, is being presented to Ty Howard Bachtel.
Citizenship Awards

–The Hayward Eatmon Citizenship Award is presented by the class of 1971 in his memory.
Hayward loved sports and did well at them. He was a very friendly and outgoing person.
This year’s recipient is Gregory Jordan Gibson (above).

–The Dennis Gilbreath Memorial Award is presented by the class of 1972 in his memory.
To receive this award you must have lettered in a least one sport and shown outstanding citizenship and leadership while in school.
This year the award is presented to Ty Howard Bachtel (above left).

–The senior class of 1993 began the Brison Hearron Memorial Citizenship Award.
Brison was a well-liked young man who participated in athletics, band, and drama.
The recipient of this citizenship award is Anna Kaye Williams (above left).

–The Ben Capps Jr. Citizenship Award sponsored by the Fairfield Rotary Club is presented each year to a senior student who has been active in school and community activities while maintaining high moral values, high academics and respect for others.
This year’s recipient is Melanie Pina and Mayra Teresa Soto (above).

–Beverly Ivy Gamble Citizenship Award is presented each year in memory of Beverly Ivy Gamble by her class of 1963.
Beverly was very active in many school and community activities while maintaining a high scholastic average.
This year’s recipient has met these high standards. This year the award is presented to Molly McAfee Allred (above left).

–In loving memory of Sally Awalt, the Fairfield High School Faculty presents the Sally Rose Awalt, Spirit of Fairfield High Award.
Ms. Awalt, a life-long enthusiast of learning, epitomized the qualities that make our school unique. Her love of education, compassion for children, and drive for excellence and courage in the face of overwhelming odds, touched us all. Her spirit truly resides in these halls of FHS.
The recipient of this award has been selected on the basis of academic potential, community/church activities, school activities, citizenship and factors distinguishing the students from his/her peers.
The recipient of the Sally Rose Awalt, Spirit of Fairfield High School Award is Angeles Michelle Rosales (above).