A MYSTERY READER came to visit third graders at Fairfield Intermediate School on Friday, February 8th.

Students were asked to guess who their Mystery Reader would be based on several clues.

Clue #1: ‘I am bald and wear bright blue glasses. Students’ Guess: ‘Donald Trump?’

Clue #2: ‘I live in Fairfield.’ Guess: ‘Mr. Cain?’

lue #3: ‘I was elected by the citizens of Fairfield.’

After debating between Officer Barlow and the Mayor, the students learned that their Mystery Reader was Fairfield’s Mayor Kenny Hughes.

Mayor Hughes brought the book As Good As Anybody: Martin Luther King, Jr., and Abraham Joshua Heschel’s Amazing March Toward Freedom in recognition of Black History Month.

Mayor Hughes and the students discussed the important events detailed in the book, and the people – black and white, male and female, who fought and still fight for equal rights for all.

“If we stand and work together, we can overcome anything,” encouraged Mayor Hughes who urged the children to promote unity to overcome adversity.

(Photo by Megan Hempel)