In an effort to encourage citizen involvement, the City of Teague hosted their first Town Hall Meetings on February 5th and 6th, focused on explaining the budget process and seeking suggestions and input as the City moves forward.

The morning and evening meetings were sparsely attended, however live broadcasts on Facebook received several views and participation from citizens watching at home.

Representing the City were Theresa Prasil, City Administrator/Secretary; Allyse Long, Bookkeeper; Jacob Cowling, Public Works Director; DeWayne Philpott, Chief of Police; and Diane Willis, Librarian. Sandy Ashford manned the live broadcast and relayed questions and suggestions to the group.

Prasil gave a detailed explanation of the City’s annual budget process, explaining the timeline and process of addressing Teague’s needs and its citizens’ expectations.

The budget process begins in January with the drafting of a budget calendar to begin planning in February. During this time, the needs of the City and its residents, as well as the Council and administrations’ financial priorities like debt service, bonds, and other necessities are examined.

In March, the needs of the City are outlined to organize the budget process and department heads meet to review and discuss their individual needs working to save money where they can.

In June an executive budget is formed and administrators forecast the next year’s revenues.

“You can only spend the money you receive,” Prasil emphasized, explaining that anticipating the City’s financial future is key to a balanced budget.

The next step in the lengthy process is to conduct budget workshops. During these workshops, which can last for many hours, City administrators and the Council hold a round table discussion and conduct a full review of the proposed budget.

A budget workshop is tentatively scheduled for July 8, 2019.

In late July, the proposed budget is drafted to be presented to the Council for their review and ultimate approval in August for the fiscal year of October 1st through September 30th.

Property tax rates are published in local newspapers in August for citizens’ review.

A tentative date of August 19, 2019 is set for the public hearing regarding the proposed tax rates.

All residents are encouraged to attend these workshops and hearings, with notices announcing dates and locations posted at City Hall, published in local newspapers and on the City’s website and Facebook page.

Prasil commended City staff for always working to decrease expenditures and making room in the budget for other necessities.

She related the administration’s diligent pursuit of grant monies, interdepartmental cooperation, and donation of the staffs’ time and energy has already saved the City several thousand dollars.

For example, employees have taken over cleaning City facilities, saving $21,000 a year on hiring a cleaning company to make funds available for the needs of the Police Department and Volunteer Fire Department.

Many other issues, suggestions, and questions were addressed during the two-hour Town Hall meeting on February 5th. Those interested can view the full video on the City’s Facebook page.

In summary, administrators stressed the importance of citizens’ involvement in all aspects of the City’s operations. Top priorities for Teague are infrastructure, customer service and transparency.

The City has an open door policy and encourages citizens to call, email, or just stop by City Hall to ask any questions and address any concerns they may have.

Important information can be found on the City’s website or posted on the bulletin board of City Hall. Budgets, Council meeting minutes, contact information and other public records are also available on the City’s website.

Those in attendance urged residents to attend their monthly Council meetings and review minutes of past meetings to stay up to date and informed and maintain a direct line of contact with Aldermen and City administrators.

The next meeting of the City Council is Tuesday, February 19th at 6 p.m.

In March, Council meetings dates will change to the third Monday of each month.

Check the City’s bulletin board and website for announcements of special called meetings or other events. Aldermens’ city-owned email addresses are also listed on the website.

Filing deadline for candidacy on the City’s Board of Aldermen is Friday, February 15th. Those interested in placing their name on the ballot for the May 4th election are encouraged to obtain a candidate packet from City Hall.

Administration and Public Works can be reached by calling City Hall at 254-739-2547. After hours, Public Works can be reached at 903-390-6875.

City Hall is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

The non-emergency number for the Police Department is 254-739-2553.

After hours, non-emergency calls are dispatched by the Freestone County Sheriff’s Department and can be reached by calling 903-389-3236, Option 1.

Another Town Hall Meeting is tentatively set for June.