A very historic event occurred this week at the Freestone County Historical Museum. The gallows trap door from 1914 Freestone Co jail was moved upstairs and placed on display in the 1881 jail, a long-term goal of former Sheriff, Sonny Sessions. The trap door was originally delivered to the museum in 1977 when the 1914 jail was demolished. Forty-four years later the installation has finally been completed.

A big Thank You to Ed Jackson and his crew with “A Weekend Mover Company “for this major accomplishment getting this heavy heavy trap door up the stairs! Estimated weight was about 600 lbs.

Another big Thank You to Doug White on restoring the door and to Marvin Mullen for the handle repairs!

The 1881 jail restoration project is getting very close to completion. Refinishing the upstairs flooring is the main item lacking. Only a few minor details will need to be completed before furniture can be placed inside.

If you haven’t turned in your Freestone Friends museum sponsorship for this year, it’s not too late. We are just over half-way of our 100 sponsors goal. We are so very thankful to all of our sponsors!