by Chief of Police David Utsey

Monday, April 24th
1:34PM- Officer Sweet on a report of lost property.
3:55PM- Officer Sweet on a request for a criminal trespass.
4:22PM- Officer Sweet on a report of a Burglary.

Tuesday, April 25th
8:00AM- Officer Sweet on a report of a motor vehicle crash.
9:28AM- Officer Sweet on a report of a suspicious vehicle.
10:45AM- Officer Sweet on a report of Harassment.
3:22PM- Officer Sweet on a call of Found Property.
4:38PM- Officer Sweet on a report of Lost Property.
6:07PM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of Suspicious Activity.
9:54PM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of an unwanted person.
12:07AM-Coropral Scarrow on a report of an alarm.
12:29AM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of Suspicious activity.
12:40AM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of an unwanted person.
2:05AM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of a suspicious person.
3:40AM- Corporal Scarrow on a request for a civil standby.
5:38AM- Corporal Scarrow on an agency assist.

Wednesday, April 26th
6:38AM- Corporal Warren on a report of a Dog at Large.
6:40AM- Corporal Warren on a report of an unwanted person.
11:34AM- Corporal Warren on a report of a suspicious person,
12:26PM- Corporal Warren on a Courtesy Transport.
2:10PM- Corporal Warren on a report of Fraud.
2:53PM- Corporal Warren on a request for a Criminal trespass.
7:53PM- Officer Ashley and Corporal Price on a report of a suspicious subject.
8:50PM- Corporal Price on a Courtesy Transport.
10:00PM- Officer Ashley on a report of a stranded motorist.

Thursday, April 27th
12:25PM- Corporal Warren on a report of Loose Cattle.
8:38PM- Officer Ashley on a report of an alarm.
1:56AM- Officer Ashley on an agency assist.
4:25AM- Officer Ashley on a report of an alarm.

Friday, April 28th
9:44AM- Officer Sweet on a Public Assist.
11:46AM- Officer Sweet on a public assist.
12:55PM- Officer Sweet on a report of an alarm.
1:55PM- Officer Sweet on a report of Threats.
2:22PM- Officer Sweet on a report of a Suspicious person.
4:47PM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of a burn violation.
6:42PM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of an unwanted person.
12:11AM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of an assault.
2:27AM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of Suspicious activity.
3:18AM- Corporal Scarrow on a request for a Criminal Trespass.
3:48AM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of a suspicious person.

Saturday, April 29th
4:00AM- Officer Sweet on a Courtesy Transport.
7:05AM- Officer Sweet on a report of a Motor Vehicle Crash.
8:23AM- Officer Sweet on a report of a civil matter.
10:45AM- Officer Sweet on a report of an assault.
11:33AM- Officer Sweet on an agency assist.
7:14PM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of Suspicious Activity.
10:29PM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of Debris in the roadway.
11:10PM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of an assault.
2:01AM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of an alarm.
5:01AM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of Suspicious Activity.

Sunday, April 30th
12:13PM- Officer Sweet on a report of a suspicious vehicle.
3:32PM- Officer Sweet on a report of an alarm.
3:35PM-Officer Sweet on a report of a Motor Vehicle Crash.
7:43PM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of a reckless driver.
9:48PM- Corporal Scarrow assisted disabled motorist.
2:31AM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of an alarm.
2:59AM- Corporal Scarrow on a report of a reckless driver.