Two additional resource officers were approved by Fairfield ISD school board during a recent meeting on Monday, June 20, 2022.
This will allow all four campuses to have their own officer.

Contract was approved with E3 for the Elementary school campus HVAC renovation and the LED district-wide lighting project.

The District of Innovation Plan was renewed and will stay in place through 2027. The plan is available to read online at

A new employee compensation plan was approved by the board. It includes 100% contribution to TRS health insurance and longevity based on years of service at FISD.

Credit by examination dates were approved for the 22-23 school year.

Resurfacing of the tennis courts was approved when the Board accepted a bid for Pro Tech Track & Tennis Surfaces Inc. for $35,668.

Also approved was the purchase of several staff vehicles:

–4 SRO ½ ton trucks

–1 school use ½ ton truck

–1 school use ¾ ton truck

–2 school use Suburbans

Total purchase amount was $304,401 for the vehicles. All vehicles are expected later in the 22-23 school year.