‘Saving Lives Through Education!’ That is the mission of Enforcer Educational Services of Fairfield which encourages those interested to visit the many e-learning centers available, click here to go to Huntington Learning Center and discover the franchises available in Texas.
Opened in April of 2018 in honor of slain Texas DPS Trooper Damon Allen, the business was co-founded by his widow, Kasey Allen and her long-time friend, Tara Feltgen.

Kasey and Tara, both paramedics, they both have their Diploma of Mental Health, chose to take a step back from the ambulance life in order to educate the community, as well as first responders, by offering a wide range of educational and training classes, and medical courses. Even Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), though included as a first aid training topic of focus, is one of the most essential life-saving skills that a person can have. CPR classes are conducted by many health care facilities and other government organizations and companies like CPR Certification Austin.
“We chose to do this to honor Damon,” explains Tara. “Our goal is to increase awareness and improve not just fist responders, but the general public as well, that way, if someone comes across a scene, with the defibrillator they will be able to assist until first responders arrive.”
Originally operating the business from their homes and providing on-location classes, and courses online, the pair opened their newly renovated facility on February 4, 2019 at 424 Highway 75 South in Fairfield (approximately four miles south of Highway 84 on the West side of the road).

Their new location includes plenty of office space, a large lecture room that seats about thirty people, seven cubby classrooms, and a large open area to be used for various types of hands-on training situations. Soon to be added to the location will be a shooting range.
Full-time instructors are President – Kasey Allen, Vice-President – Tara Feltgen, Clinical Manager – J.D. Feltgen, I.T. – Chad Steely, and Secretary – Kristin Pinkerton. There are also multiple part-time instructors who work with the business as well. All instructors have vast experience in their respective fields.
Classes can be taken at the facility, online, or on location.
Courses offered include:
–American Heart Association (AHA): CPR, AED, First Aid, BLS, ACLS. Coming soon – ACLS EP and PALS.
–American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI): Basic & Advanced First Aid, Wilderness First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens, CPR/AED, Childcare & Babysitting Safety, BLS, ACLS, PALS, Emergency Medical Response (EMR)
–National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT): PHTLS, GEMS, All Hazards Disaster Response, Psychological Trauma in the EMS Patient, EMS Safety, AMLS, & TCCC
–Stop The Bleed: Hemorrhage Control
–Critical Care Paramedic Course: Including Cadaver Lab Skills Day
–Flight Paramedic (FP-C): Training & Review Course
–Community Paramedic: Training & Consultation
–Difficult Airway Management (DAM)
–Jurisprudence Exam
–Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)
–Online Continuing Education Hours
–License to Carry (LTC)
These courses are just a start. The company is continually looking for additional classes to add to this list and welcome requests.
Currently, Tara is looking into the possibility of adding Active Shooter classes and training to the list, as well as more TCOLE courses and other Fire/Law Enforcement and Oil & Gas Safety (OSHA) classes.
Courses range from $25 for basic CPR to $935 for Critical Care Paramedic Course with Cadaver Lab Skills Day.
“It’s been a struggle starting the business from the ground up,” says Tara. “But, we don’t want to see what happened to Damon happen to anyone else. We are doing everything we can to make sure it doesn’t happen again. If we can make a difference in just one person’s life, it’s absolutely worth it!”
A perfect example of those words comes from one of the online reviews of a satisfied customer who took a course that included how to stop bleeding:
“In early December 2018 I attended the TC3 course at Enforcer Education. Less than a week later I was the first officer on scene at a stabbing in a rural area. I was able to utilize the skills learned at Enforcer and render aid to the victim. Thanks to the excellent training from Enforcer, the stabbing victim survived an otherwise fatal bleed.” –Officer Kevin Rogers
“It is stories like this that let us know we are doing the right thing,” concludes Tara.
For more information on the company and the courses they offer, or to sign up for their email list that alerts when classes are scheduled, visit them online at www.EnforcerEducation.com. They can also be found on Facebook, or reached by calling 833-4Enforcer (1-833-436-3672).