by Coach Tiffany Anderson

Sage has been around for centuries.   It has many health benefits if drank as a tea, used in food, and even used to smudge.
When drank as a tea or used in foods, sage helps you think better.

It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, boost cognitive function, builds immune system, soothes sore throat, loosens muscles, boost blood flow, improve eyesight, prevents constipation,  and much more.

Smudging is when you burn sage and depending on your beliefs, pray or chant while doing it.

The smudging is known to remove negative energy and refill your home, business,  office, or space with clean and positive energy!

It doesn’t stop there though, it removes bacteria from the air, repells insects, improve intuition, purifies subjects,  and more.

So, next time u see sage bundles, grab one and light it.

Next time you cook w/ sage, add a little extra.

Next time you grow sage, make a cup of tea!

This article is brought to you by Thee Juice-N-Aid of Fairfield, Texas.