Our country is as rabidly divided this Christmas season as it has ever been – even when in 1860 southern states publicly threatened to secede from the union if Lincoln were elected. A look at the facts plainly shows the chasm between socialist/Marxist progressives and conservative/traditional American values. Elections next year and in 2024 will determine whether we will survive as a free republic.

The economy is in a tailspin of inflation which is the same as a tax. Our foreign friends and allies understandably don’t trust us after the televised shameful, humiliating abandonment at the Afghan airport. Our enemies openly mock us and have no fear of our current gelding administration. Our public education system, nationwide, is hamstrung by teachers’ unions: results: USA high school graduates don’t even rank in the top 10 internationally in categories of science and math. “Cancel culture” from “progressives” defund police departments resulting in skyrocketing crime rates; they remove statues/memorials of Washington, Jefferson, and even Lincoln.

Election year 2022 is right in front of us, and the time to act is NOW. The Republican National Committee must find a champion for our core values and RUN that candidate with a full-court press right now if we are to survive – America as we have known it for over two centuries.
Some people are beating the drum for Trump. He is a possibility if he can be rehabilitated into a mature, rational candidate. There must be other qualified patriots as well. The democrats have an incredibly weak hand to play: Biden is plainly in decline (cannot even follow a teleprompter) and will most likely not stand for reelection. Can any rational, thinking American actually envision Kamala Harris as President and Commander-in-chief of our armed forces? Please…

RNC, stand up for our country now! These elections will determine if America will reverse our current decline and survive to prosper or continue down the slippery socialist slope the Democrats have inflicted on us.

God bless America!

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas