Firefighters from Wortham VFD extinguished a rail vehicle fire between Main St. and Colorado about 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 12, 2020.
The vehicle was not on a main rail, but instead was located along a side rail.

A railroad maintenance vehicle had heavy smoke and flames when Wortham Engine 72 arrived at the scene.
Fire crews quickly attacked the fire, and once the fire was down they were able to see the diesel leaking from the vehicles storage tank.
They quickly went to work to plug the hole and contain the leak with their available absorbent and absorbent pads to that they fortunately had on hand, explained Wortham Fire Chief Kelly Craig.

The leak was contained before the ability to reach the watershed creek located nearby.
The railways hazmat coordinator worked with Chief Craig and quickly had a crew out to empty tanks and will complete other required actions.
The investigation concluded that a worker was not aware of the leak while welding on the vehicle for repairs.
No injuries were reported.
(Courtesy Photos)