The Wortham High School National Honor Society (NHS) conducted a peanut butter drive for the month of February.  They solicited donations of peanut butter for their “Stick it to Hunger” service project.

Students at the high school were encouraged to donate jars of peanut butter and competed as classes to see which class could donate the greatest amount of peanut butter.

Teachers help to encourage students by giving the students different incentives to those that donated.

The winning class was the Senior class of 2018 with 113 jars given.

Overall, Wortham High students brought over 300 jars of peanut butter for the service project!

The peanut butter was donated to the Wortham food pantry.

Mrs. Judy Lansford received the donations and was very thankful for all of the donations. “This is especially helpful this time of year because our pantry gets depleted during the spring without the help that we normally receive during the holidays,” Mrs. Lansford said.

The Wortham NHS chapter is sponsored by Mrs. Katherine Havens.