We were alerted by Kristen Weaver, an editor with the Wilson County News, about the August fish kill, pictured here on Lake Calaveras. A thousand or more fish died last week. Humans can suffer, too, when hunting or boating by mixing alcohol with gasoline or gunpowder. Stay Safe! (Photo courtesy of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department)

by John Jefferson

FLASH – The City of Austin has opened a cooling center! A thousand fish have died on Lake Calaveras near San Antonio (mostly red drum and shad; heat destroyed dissolved oxygen blamed). Shallow lakes heat up quickly. And people are losing their breath when they first venture outside!

And WHY?

Well, if Shoeless Joe Jackson had just stepped out of a cornfield in this heat and asked if this was Hades – somewhat like he asked about Heaven in the movie, “Field of Dreams” – a few Texans might have hesitated before answering. It’s THAT hot here!

Makes you NOT want to take chances on going anywhere that might be hotter.

But this IS Texas in August – although teetering on becoming September. The first cool spell of fall traditionally hits around mid-September. Before that near-sacred event arrives, you know what happens?

Two things: First, Labor Day Weekend begins Saturday, August 31. If you plan to go boating over that weekend, please understand that Texas does NOT allow boating while intoxicated. It’s illegal! State Game Wardens and other agency enforcement officers will be on the water over the long weekend and afterward. DWI laws also apply. Multiple citations were issued for each of the last two long holiday weekends!

Then, a couple of events occur on Sunday, September 1. That’s the opening of dove season in the North and Central dove zones. (Texas’ South Zone opens September 14; Special Whitewing only days are September 1-2, 6-8, 13-15 (AFTERNOONS only!). See TPW Outdoor Annual [OA), page 60.)

You’d better have a new hunting or fishing license then, if you plan to pursue either of those endeavors. All licenses expire at midnight, August 31! (Except licenses valid for a year from date of purchase.)

Your license must contain certain fishing endorsements and endorsements for particular game you will hunt — Plus a free HIP Certification if you plan to hunt migratory birds. See OA pages 4-12.

That gets me back to Hot Weather. It can slip up on you out on the lake with the breeze created by your boat as it propels you along. Use sunscreen and take breaks in the shade as the day progresses.

Heat stroke can kill ya! Or your hunting dog! Morning hunting is preferred, but that can get hot, too. ALWAYS have plenty of water and Gatorade and ample DOG water. Dogs hunt harder than we do!

I make a little “wallow” in the shade, fill it with water, and put a wet towel over it for Ruger. More water is added as needed.

From a hunter who has spent more quality time in the woods and fields and along moonlit creek banks with his dog than he can count, let me say the bond between a hunter and dog becomes almost analogous to parent and child. The pain over a loss is devastating. Some are avoidable.

Stay in the shade as much as possible. Drink Plenty of WATER. And live to hunt another day — BOTH of you!