NOTICE THE VEST the pictured hunter is wearing as he slips through the tree line to a maize field. It lets in more fresh air than any vest I own, and has secure pockets for everything you need on a bird hunt. That bandana was cold and wet when he put it on. There’s another one in his cooler/stool to change out when the first one warms up. He should be wearing protective glasses. Mine once deflected a pellet from another hunter’s shotgun. The vest came from www.dovegear.com in Rockport. (Photo by John Jefferson)
by John Jefferson
Are you ready for it?
Hunting has changed a lot since I started hunting.
Equipment has changed, season dates have changed, bag limits have changed, new shot shells have appeared, and new guns and accessories have become part of our “necessaries.” Most of it has been for the better.
But before anyone panics, fearing that dove season doesn’t open on Sept. 1 — Relax! That was considered some years ago, but tradition shouted it down. It still opens on Sept. 1 in the North and Central zones!
The South Zone opens on Sept. 14. Special White -Winged Dove Days in the South Zone are Sept.2-4 and Sept. 9-11.
An early photo of me shooting along a fence line shows me dressed in a tan sport shirt and blue jeans, wearing a straw-colored cowboy hat, and army combat boots. I was shooting a Winchester Model 12, 16- gauge that had a FULL choked barrel. I now have choke tubes. I wasn’t wearing any eye protection, either. And I had on a hot canvas vest with pockets for shells.
In all three zones, I may be wearing camo shorts unless there‘s a lot of thorns where I’m hunting. The heat is fierce as I write this! People are suffering. It slips up on the unsuspecting. And it CAN kill ya! And your dog, if you hunt with one. It’s happened to several friends.
I’ll probably have my snake leggings on, too. The newborn rattlesnakes will reach maturity in August or early Sept. and will be on the prowl to see what the world has for them. If you’re not careful, it could be YOU! Leggings also protect against thorns.
So take special precautions! Always hunt with someone – never alone. A group is even better. Take plenty of water and Gatorade – including water for your dog, too. And hunt in the shade if at all possible!
I’ll wear an unbuttoned shirt to beat the heat – probably my old, threadbare, cotton, camo shirt that’s so well-worn that air flows right through it. Over that, I’ll wear a dove vest with multiple pockets including one for plastic water bottles, another for my phone and license, has a breathable mesh back with just two straps in front to let it as much air as possible. Staying cool is imperative! A heat stroke can pretty well ruin even the best of hunts.
The vest I hunt in is made by the Dove Gear company in Rockport. People there understand heat, and this vest is cool in many ways.
I once dropped my phone out of another vest and lost time retracing my steps to find it. No worries with this vest — Its pockets close securely.
The bird bag in back is easily washable, too. Nice! And one size fits all due to adjustable straps. No wonder the company calls it the “Ultimate Bird Vest!” It may be the last one you’ll ever buy!
But don’t lay it down. It’s liable to walk off with someone else!