Greetings in the name of Christ brothers and sisters.  I hope that this devotional finds you in good health and abundant blessings.  I wanted to start this morning’s text with a story about an experience I had a couple of weeks ago.  A year and a half ago I started a men’s coffee group that meets at Mommacakes Bakery in downtown Fairfield every Thursday at 9 am.  The group started as just a couple of members of the Methodist church in town, but it has now grown to include Baptists, Presbyterians, and Non-Denominational members of our community.  What is fascinating about this group is that we engage with a variety of topics and discussions that often bring us to the reality that we don’t always agree on things!

Here is an example; one of our regular attendees is a Southern Baptist.  He and I differ on the idea of ordaining women and the baptizing of infants (both of which are a common tradition in the Methodist Church).  We both have shared the various scripture references that we utilize to reinforce our beliefs, but neither of us has truly changed our minds regarding our interpretations.  But, we did come to the most important conclusion of all, Christ is our Lord and Savior!  One morning I asked, “Do you think we Methodists are in danger of damnation because we ordain women?”  His response was firm, “Absolutely not, I just think God is going to have to clear some things up for y’all in Heaven!”  I laughed and he then asked me, “Do you think us Southern Baptists are in danger of hell because we don’t baptize infants?”  I smiled and replied, “Nope, not in the least, I just think God is going to have to straighten ya’ll out once you reach the Kingdom!”  We ended the conversation laughing.

Here is the point of this story: we had different views on scripture in reflection of our different traditions, but we were united on the fact that both of us were followers of Jesus Christ!  There is more that unites the churches of our community than divides them.  We may differ on traditional practices, worship styles, or certain biblical translations. Still, if a church in our community professes belief in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, then that church is just as much a part of the family of God as any other.

The greatest tool the devil can use within our community is division among our churches and Christian congregations.  Each of our churches are mission stations for broken people in a broken world.  We all can reach a variety of persons with the Gospel message.  But this is only if we do not devolve into petty quarrels because of division amongst us.  The Bible warns us about this very issue and has harsh words for those who sow division amongst the family of God.  Titus chapter 3 states, “But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, has nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.”

We must embrace the tension from being diverse Christians working together united in Christ alone.  This will mean we have to “agree to disagree” as long as we can stand upon the doctrinal  truths of all Christians.  This will make it impossible for the enemy to divide us and render us useless for the Gospel.  A community of churches united in their resolve to dispel evil and work together for God’s righteousness will bring about revival in all facets of our town.

And one last thing, if you are one of those who have stirred up discontent, or been unable to love your brother or sister Christian because of differing views.  Then I would call upon you to repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Release those chains that are weighing you down and embrace the forgiveness and empowerment of the Holy Spirit to come alongside the family of God in our journey of discipleship.

We will talk more about living in the tension next week my friends.  Until then, remain united in Christ, and united in our love for God’s Word, and his people!

Your friend,

Pastor Mike McVey
Minister – First United Methodist Church, Fairfield TX
ACS Chaplain – United States Coast Guard, Station Galveston TX
Cell:  919-935-2513