In the devastating wake of COVID’s path, long-standing care problems in long-term facilities were spotlighted. To address these problems, the Texas Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program needs more volunteers to serve as advocates for individuals living in nursing and assisted living facilities. Ombudsmen educate residents, families, and facility staff and protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents. Services are free and confidential.

Ombudsmen ensure residents’ voices are heard, which is especially important amidst our nations’ ongoing healthcare crisis. They visit residents, identify and investigate complaints, ensure residents’ dignity is honored, and stand up with residents to help them exercise their rights.

Free training and certification are provided. No experience is required. Hours are flexible and determined by each volunteer. If you have 2-3 hours per month to make a difference in someone’s life, please contact Pat Borgfeldt at (512) 438-2545 or email her at

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program advocates for quality of life and care for residents in nursing and assisted living facilities. Federal and State authority mandates ombudsmen to identify, investigate and resolve complaints made by, or on behalf of, residents and to provide services to help in protecting health, safety, welfare and rights. Across Texas, through an area agency on aging, certified ombudsmen serve residents, their families, and friends. For more information go to