PERFORMING THE SERVICE ANTHEM of each military service is a traditional part of the annual Vietnam War Veterans Lunch. Former Marines Dan Alley and Steve Severn respond to the U.S. Marine Corps Hymn as Robert Taylor, James Ray, David Shirey, and Danny Cox look on.
(Submitted Photo)
March 29 is the official National Vietnam War Veterans Day. From 2012 until 2017, March 29 had been declared Vietnam Veterans Day by Presidential Proclamation. In March 2017, Congress passed, and President Trump signed the Vietnam Veterans Recognition Act into law. Now March 29 will be commemorated annually as the National Vietnam War Veterans Day.
The Associates of the Vietnam Veterans of America (AVVA) of Dogwood Chapter 991 of the VVA have been working for several years with the Palestine chapter of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) to honor Korean War veterans with a commemorative luncheon. In 2018, they decided why not honor our own Vets with a luncheon on a regular, annual basis.
This past week, Chapter 991 hosted a spaghetti lunch for over 30 Vietnam Veterans in the Second Annual Lunch. The lunch will become an annual part of the Dogwood Trails celebration.