A fun and exciting VBS is planned for June 17th through June 20th at Fairfield First United Methodist Church. Children aged 3 through entering 5th grade are invited to participate each evening from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.

The VBS theme this year is “God is good!” Whether life seems unfair or scary or is changing or is sad, God is with us and God is good! God is with us all the time, in bad times and in good times. We will explore this theme with the story of the Israelites as they suffer as slaves in Egypt, wander in the wilderness, and then as they enter the Promised Land.

At VBS, participants will get to take part in games, crafts, singing, and Bible stories, all centered around our theme “God is good!” The children will also have a snack supper each night.

First United Methodist Church is located at 201 North Mount Street in downtown Fairfield.

Preregister at the church office: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (closed 12 – 1 pm) or online at https://bit.ly/2Z7Rr9q.