“Funny Farm” Trees, located down Hwy 27, was more than funny this Christmas, in fact they were downright joyous and generous!

A partnership with The Community Food Bank for the three weekends after Thanksgiving, led to many families heading out to not only pick out their Christmas Tree, but to cut it down and have a blast.

Many went for their idea of the perfect Christmas tree, while others preferred to take the Charlie Brown route and picked a tree that needed more tender, loving care.

The Hay Ride kept everyone in good spirits, while hot chocolate and candy canes kept their mouths and tummies happy and warm.
Sonya and Randy Maness are the proud owners of “Funny Farm” Trees.

The trees ranged in age from three to six years and can be anywhere from five foot up to twelve foot giants.

Cash donations were accepted along with new, unwrapped toys that were passed along for the Fairfield Police Associations annual Blue Santa Drive.

The cash was donated to the Community Food Bank, a total of $708.00, plus approximately 140 pounds of food products.

Forty trees were donated to the Community Food bank; another forty was donated to Faith Academy for their fundraiser.

They would like to thank the following friends and family who volunteered their help: Gayle and Don Carpenter, Vicky and John Cheek, Tom Maness, Maggie and Larry Smith, Jennifer Maness-Fancher, Beth Harrison, Matt Walton, Mike, Roger and Pam Stewart, and Robert, Lissa, Zach, Hannah and Isiah Smith, plus a large group of volunteers from the River of Life Church.

The farm is located at 590 FM 27 West, just 5.4 miles west of I-45. There is a large red and white banner that is easily visible from the road.

The Community Food Bank is located at 1201 E. Commerce, right next to the River of Life Family Worship Center.