Antioch Baptist Church, located east of Fairfield on FM 1364 is pleased to announce that we will have The Harmony Quartet from Dallas in concert Saturday, Jan. 14th at 6:00 p.m.

If you enjoy Old Fashioned Southern Gospel Music, you don’t want to miss this group. There is no admission charge but we will receive a love offering for them.

The Harmony Quartet was formed in December of 1991; a quartet ministry of Richardson Church of the Nazarene in Richardson, TX. The original members were Rick Legg, Bari, John Fulton, Tenor; Andy Edwards, Lead and Dan Andrews, Bass.

In the 25 year history of the quartet, personnel contributions have been many and varied. Founding member, Dan Andrews has sung continuously with the quartet since 1991, first singing bass (on The Harmony Quartet and Not Givin’ Up recordings), and then transitioning to baritone for the remainder of his 25 year career with the group.

Current members are veteran Bass singer, Duane Daniel, who began singing with the group in 2002; David Smith, Pianist/Tenor, who also started with the group in 2002 (first as pianist, then as pianist/tenor in 2011). In 2015 lead singer Jay Meadows was added to the roster.

The group has performed on concert stages and in churches from coast to coast, including performances with legendary southern gospel entertainers as, The Singing Speer Family, James Blackwood, The Dove Brothers, The Bishops, Danny Funderburk, Ann Downing, The Old Time Gospel Hour Quartet, Greater Vision, Texas gospel Hall of Fame group The Wills Family, and internationally known comedian Jerry Clower.

In 1996 the group was elected to the Historic Grapevine Opry’s Hall of Fame. Of the many memorable venues and performances the group has had the opportunity to perform; Dr. James Dobson’s Focus On The Family campus, Advocare International National Conference, Prestonwood Baptist Church, Zig Ziglar’s Bible Study, National Quartet Convention -Heavensound Showcase 2001.