The Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) has selected an article entitled “It Was Just an Old Cabin” as the top newspaper outdoor column at its June 2022 Annual Business Conference in Kalispell, Montana.

POMA rewards its members’ top published work in six categories: Newspaper/Blog, Magazine, Conservation, Broadcast, Book, and Art/Photography. The 2022 winning submission in the Newspaper/Blog category was created as a weekly column from the Woods, Waters, and Wildlife syndicate and was published in a number of Texas papers the week of February 1, 2021. It was written by John Jefferson.

The article told of a heart-rending poaching incident. A landowner witnessed the illegal killing of a deer on his property and furnished evidence to authorities that led to a fine for the poacher. Later, the landowner’s cabin was set afire. It burned to the ground. Treasured memories and irreplaceable memorabilia precious to the cabin owner and his family were totally destroyed. The poacher was subsequently convicted of arson and is serving time in prison.

POMA members whose work receives first place in each Pinnacle category receive a slate plaque layered to resemble the Rocky Mountain tops and a cash award. (See Attachment.)

Jefferson’s work has previously received a Pinnacle Award in the Magazine category and three in Conservation.