Sign up for and receive important, and potentially lifesaving, alerts.
Emergency situations are never good, but knowing what is happening during them can help alleviate the difficulties and danger that can be part of the situation.
The HOTready service is offered by The Heart of Texas Council of Governments to inform citizens of a variety of forms of emergencies.
Alerts include a variety of things:
–Natural Disasters – fire, flood, severe weather
–Man-Made Disaster – bomb threats, hazardous material incidents
–Evacuation notices and Criminal Threats
–Street Closures
–Public Health Notices – Boil water, health alerts
–Option for NOAA alerts
It is free service that is currently offered for all residents in Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone, and McLennan counties.
Alerts can go to a home phone, cell phone and/or an email if they have them on file.
Go to to sign up for alerts, and more information.