Teague ISD and the Teague community have untied to create the first annual “Teague Community Back-to-School Rally” to be held on August 17, 2017.

The mission of the event is to motivate and empower students and parents, enhance community involvement while creating a fun sense of city pride, citywide.

Input and donations are being sought from businesses and community members throughout the city.  If you are willing and able to be involved and would like to show your city pride, join them in making this a huge success for the entire Teague community.

Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated, and can be considered a tax deduction.

Call the district for more information regarding tax deductions.

For more information on how to get involved, please contact TISD Superintendent, Dr. Nate Carman, at ncarman@teaguisd.org, or Mary Ann Farrias at mfarrias@teagueisd.org.  You may also call 254-739-1307.