Do You Know How Much It Costs To Outfit ONE Firefighter?

Many Fire Departments across the nation are run solely by volunteers.

A conversation with Chandler Baggerly of Fairfield Volunteer Fire Department and a separate one with Justine Romine of Teague Volunteer Fire Department revealed it costs approximately $10,000 or more to properly equip a single firefighter to safely fight a fire, and the gear is only good for a maximum of ten years.

One of the most expensive pieces of equipment is the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), a system that allows Firefighters to safely breathe in smoke filled areas, but they also need to have the best high pressure pumps, thеrе аrе two key іngrеdіеntѕ іnvоlvеd wіth any pump ореrаtіоn: wаtеr аnd рrеѕѕurе. Both are аbѕоlutеlу mаndаtоrу for рrоduсіng thе finished рrоduсt, an аdеԛuаtе fіrеfіghtіng ѕtrеаm

Not only do they need to wear a SCBA, but they also must have backup ones as the tanks do not last very long.
The various vehicles used for firefighting can easily reach over $100k each, and that is for a used one according to a quick browse of online dealerships.
Teague VFD takes out personal loans for major purchases, such as the $40,000 loan for the new aluminum bed on Brush 96. Justin Romine explains that fundraisers provide money to repay the loans, and keeps some of the burden off the City’s budget. Now days it is getting difficult to get personal loan.

When you get into rural areas, like Freestone County, there is less money available as the tax base is smaller, even though the expense is equal.
So how do these Fire Departments keep providing their service safely and efficiently?

County and City funding definitely play a part, but a good portion comes from donations, fundraisers, and on occasion, grants.

So, next time you see your local Volunteer Fire Department doing a fundraiser; make sure you help you help out. Never know when it might be you who needs them.

Victoria Keng reporting.