By Barney Leach

June checked out well below normal on rainfall at 1.21 inches. We had four days with measurable rainfall with a greatest one-day total of 0.93 inch on June 3. Normal June rainfall is 4.02 inches. Our rainfall total for the year stands at 13.75 inches. Normal through June is 24.73 inches.

Our record wettest June was 13.26 inches of rain in 2004. Record driest June was 0.23 inch in 2008

Temperature-wise, June was hot with five days with triple-digit temperatures and six days at 99 degrees. We had three days with temperatures in the upper 80’s. All other days had temperatures in the 90’s and 100’s. We had two days with lows in the 60’s and all other days had lows in the 70’s. We had a high of 103 degrees on June 23 and a low of 67 degrees on June 3.

We have previously had triple digit-temperatures in June three times over the past 28 years, in 1998, 2011, and 2018, and each one has foretold a hot summer ahead. We had a total of 44 triple-digit days 1998, 66, in 2011 and 53 in 2018. Year 2018 produced our record hottest temperature of 114 degrees on July 23.

Looking ahead to July: July is normally our hottest and driest month of the year. Normal rainfall for July is 2.62 inches. Our record wettest July was 8.89 inches of rain in 2007. The driest July was 0.02 inch in 1997.