A structure fire in the Richland Chambers area on Monday, August 24, 2020 in the afternoon required multiple fire departments to contain.

Southern Oaks Fire Department first responded, but requested mutual aid from Wortham, Streetman, Fairfield, Kirvin, Teague and Dew Fire Departments.

Fairfield EMS also responded to the scene. Fairfield Fire Auxiliary was also on scene, and highly appreciated by all on scene.

Freestone County Fire Departments do amazing team work together, and all on a volunteer basis.

The normal temperature was in the 90’s, and the fire added to the heat the firefighters experienced.

Fire Departments take numerous calls each month, Teague Fire Department posted on social media that during August they had responded to over fifty calls.

If you want to help, contact your local fire department and ask them how you can best contribute.

Sometimes they might needs drinks and other times donations can be of more use.