New Logo Approved by Fairfield Council
The City of Fairfield is splitting up soon, but not to worry as departments will still work together, just not in the same place.
With unanimous approval from Council members during the February 11, 2020 meeting, a commercial lease will be signed for the building at 425 W. Commerce Street (between Incommons Bank and Eddies Autobody) to house City Hall. This will include the City Administration and Utility Billing.
Fairfield Police Department, Municipal Court, and Code Enforcement will stay in the Conference Center located at the fairgrounds. Once additional walls are added, Dispatch will move out of the Emergency Management trailer and join these departments in the building.
This will put the two locations just over half a mile away from each other.
The action was necessitated in order to bring the City into compliance with privacy requirements for Dispatch, Municipal Court, and the Police Department, which were not well served by the temporary cubicle-style office space.
Four options were considered, including the lease of a module building that would have kept all the City departments in one location.
The approved option was the least expensive, costing $14,400 for a 12-month lease.
An additional commercial space had been offered at 117 E Commerce, but would have cost the City more than twice as much to lease.
Council will consider bids for constructing permanent walls in the Conference Center during their next meeting in March.
No word yet as to when City Administration and Utility Billing will make their move into the new space (pictured at top). Stay tuned.
In anticipation of the I-45 frontage road improvements (projected for 2023), an ordinance was proposed to Council to allow Fairfield Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to create a Type B entity.
According to EDC President David Fowler, this change would expand the organization’s ability to engineering recruitment; whereas before, as a Type A corporation, Fairfield EDC was limited to working with industrial and manufacturing companies that could fill the City’s Industrial Park.
Importantly, NO new taxes would be required, and the same seven board members for the Type A – EDC Fairfield has now could also serve on the new Type B – EDC.
The proposed ordinance was approved unanimously.

Also approved during this meeting is a new logo for the City of Fairfield, designed by Amy Evans of East Pine Design. Inspiration came from the idea of making a “stamp” and the “branding” implements used by Texas cattle ranches.

The new logo includes several variations, incorporating the colors maroon and white.

Other business includes the following:
–Following advice from City Attorney, Council voted not to approve a request from citizen Jeremy Calame for cleanup costs associated from a 2019 incident of sewage backup into his residence. According to City Administrator Nate Smith, this second request was handwritten without documentation. Previously, insurance claim was denied because damages “were not caused by any wrongful act, omission, or negligence on the part of Fairfield or any of our employees.” This action passed with four ayes, and Place 5 – David Steward abstaining.
–The May 2, 2020 Election was called to fill the Mayor, Place I and Place II council positions. Agreements were also approved to conduct a joint election with Fairfield ISD and Fairfield Hospital District. Appointed Election Judge is Greg Gibson, Alternate Election Judge is Linda Sanford.
–Annual Racial Profiling Report approved as presented by Fairfield Police Department.
–A Design/Build method of construction was selected for the City Hall Project.
–Resolution approved for 2-11-20 Fire Radios Grant through the Office of the Governor.
–Purchase Order approved for Fire Department in the amount of $4,005 to Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists for hose sections.
–Resolution approved for 2-11-20 Police Radios Grant from HOTCOG.
–Resolution approved for 2-11-20 National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Grant through the Office of the Governor.
A closed Executive Session was conducted for consultation with Attorney to discuss TCEQ Docket No. 2019-1337-MWD-E, and for Personnel Matters pertaining to Clyde Woods, Becky Boyd, and Shane Reves.
No action was taken on either matter.