School buses are hitting the roads this week!

Unfortunately, many motorists are unfamiliar with Texas Transportation Code 545.066 ( The law requires drivers to stop for school buses unless they are on a divided highway and have a center divider. Here are a few safety tips for motorists and students.

Texas School Bus Law

–Stop for flashing red lights on a school bus, regardless of which direction you’re headed.

–Continue your trip once the bus has moved, the flashing lights stop flashing, or the bus driver signals it’s okay to pass.

–Violations can lead to a $1,000 fine.

Safety Tips for Motorists

–Obey the posted speed limit.

–Fines double in school zones.

–Keep an eye on children gathered at bus stops.

–Watch for children who might dart across the street to catch the bus.

Tips for Students

Respect your school bus driver and follow these rules:

–Stand far back when you are waiting for the bus.

–Sit still so the driver can pay attention to the road.

–Look both ways if you must cross the street after getting off the bus or wait for the driver to signal it’s safe to cross the street.

Source: Freestone County Office of Emergency Management