The transition from ETMC Fairfield to Freestone Medical Center is moving right along; in fact, they are just a bit ahead of schedule at this point in time.
At their most recent meeting, board members voted on a 457 B Retirement Plan for employees. This new plan is very similar to the current 403 B Plan that is offered through ETMC.
Employees and providers will be entered into this plan as of their original hire date; and will be able to roll over any current monies previously accrued. Freestone Medical Center will begin matching immediately with a 5-year graduated vesting at a rate of 100% of the employee’s contribution up to 3%.
In addition to the retirement plan, board members voted to approve proposed policies on the following: Limited English Proficiency Policy, Nondiscrimination Policy, 504 Grievance Procedure, Auxiliary Aids and Services for persons with Disabilities, 504 Notice of Program Accessibility, and Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act and Patient Transfer Policy.
These policies are basic for medical facilities, but must be voted and approved for posting in and around the medical campus and on various forms of literature. They must also be in place and filed when obtaining a hospital license from the State.
Also at this meeting, Rachel Middlebrook was introduced by CHC. She will serve in the capacity of Administrative Assistant.
It was announced that persons have been hired for the positions of Health Information Management Director (Medical Records) and IT Director.
There are a few more positions CHC is looking to fill; and they are in the interviewing process at this time.
As a side note, don’t forget to support Fairfield Hospital District by attending their annual Health Fair on Saturday, October 22, 2016 on hospital grounds.