The cool air the last couple of days is a blessed release from the summer time temperatures.  I love walking outside in the morning and breathing the brisk, clean air.

The Beagles have even taken to sleeping a little later and staying in their house instead of sleeping outside under the stars.  The cows seem to also be more contented and seem to linger when they all “lay up”.

Even though we haven’t had any rain except some drizzles, the grass is holding out pretty well.  I had some places to go this afternoon and when I came home the strong smell of a skunk was hanging in the air.

These two Beagles have not be “skunked” as best I can remember.  SAM, THE BEAGLE of the Red Oak Ranch used to seem to attract them something fierce.

We were always pouring out the tomato juice to give him a bath!  He was a good sport about that though…he was a good sport about everything.

I’m going to dig my Iris bulbs probably this week, separate them, replant some and take some to each of my daughters-in-law.

My Oleander is blooming, the Cannas are still blooming and the Periwinkles are out shining everything else! I have some more bulbs to plant.

I know there will be some more warm weather and that’s OK.  It has been a pleasant time though enjoying early signs of Fall at the Red Oak Ranch.