by Jan Fielden

One day last week was an absolutely unbelievable day.  I was going to feed the cows, the little calf in the corral that has lost her Momma, and Sundance.  It started out OK, just a normal day ahead, so I thought.  I fed the Beagles and everything was fine.  It was out there just waiting to happen!

The cows were all lined up in front of the barn.  I got the tractor out and headed to the hay pen…it was there, waiting for me.  The cows held their place by the barn…great I thought.  I picked out the bale I wanted, backed the tractor (I am a very good backer (truck or tractor).  Hit the bale and the forks wouldn’t go in.  Pulled up and tried again-same ole thing.  Finally got the bale on about half way on the forks.  I tried pushing the bale up further by backing into another bale but it was a no go.

So, I got the wrap off, lowered the bale and picked it up from underneath.  Took it down to where I thought was a good place and the cows were still holding their place by the barn.  Back to the hay pen I went and to the same ole adventure…bale wouldn’t go on the forks.  I tried all up and down the bale and nothing.  Picked that bale up from underneath and moved it to take the wrap off.

I was going to drive off and thought the part of the bale that had sloughed off would hold the wrap down…but no.  The fork was caught on the wrap.  Finally got it off and still the cows were at the barn.

The Middle Herd gets three bales so I had one left, same story.  By this time it is getting old.  When I got the fourth bale to take to the Yearling Herd, the cows at the barn moved out and I had to skirt them to keep them from following me.

Got to the Yearling Pasture and the bale fell off the forks right in the middle of the gate.  I couldn’t pick it up as it was falling to pieces for some reason.  It was a good bale but whoa!  Just more happenings at the Red Oak Ranch.