by Jan Fielden

We always welcome rain and the rain this past week was certainly welcomed! The clouds looked ominous. I was thinking about taking the trash over to the highway and thought I had better do it before the rain started. Gathered it up, opened the Sun Porch door and lo and behold, it was sprinkling already. By the time I got to the truck it was pouring! So, I sat there wondering if I should just go back in the house when it started letting up a little. Off I go over to the highway gate. When I came out of the Sweet Gum Grove it was pouring again and I could barely see the road. Finally, I got to the highway gate and was getting ready to jump out in the downpour when I spotted The Colonel coming down the highway.

I decided to open the gate for him and because he had already pulled in and stopped at the gate, I jumped out of the truck and forgot my keys. There I was standing in the downpour like someone who doesn’t know to come in out of the rain. Ran back to the truck, got the keys, ran to the gate again, unlocked and opened it. The Colonel could just barely get by my truck and I waved him on. I was already wet and didn’t see any sense in him getting soaked. Got rid of the trash and headed for home. Still couldn’t see the road plus my hair was soaked and dripping water in my eyes which didn’t help at all.

As soon as we got home, The Colonel went in and unlocked the door so I could go through the garage and not get soaked any more…you guessed it…the rain quit. Such is life at the Red Oak Ranch, but always fun.