by Jan Fielden
The other day as The Colonel and I looked out the bay windows in the living room, we saw the Babysitter for the Calves. She was a traditional Simental cow and one who had broken training; she could be contrary when she wanted to be. Have never seen this cow watching over the little ones. I have no idea what she must have done or said to get out of that position for so long as it is usually passed around. However, that day was her day to shine and she didn’t look the least bit thrilled. To her credit, though, she stayed with the five little calves which, was a surprise as she is usually moving all over the place.
These little ones ranged in age from three weeks old to about six weeks old. They were lying in a semi-circle in front of her. I was happy the babysitter didn’t fall asleep because none of the calves were asleep. They were just resting and every once in a while, turning their heads to see what was going on around them. Their mommas were no where to be seen so it could have been quite a job to keep them out of trouble. I decided the babies must have been just a little bit afraid of their babysitter.
Suddenly, Babysitter got up, looked at the calves, they all jumped up and lined up and waited for her to do something. What she did was go on the prowl for their mommas! When Babysitter started out the calves started moving too. They all looked so cute following her in a straight line, not running or jumping just walking as slowly as she was. I nominate her for Babysitter of the Red Oak Ranch!