by Jan Fielden

Sundance is very entertaining. She talks to me, lets me groom her and asks for more, loves oats, loves the concoction of raisins/apples/carrots that I give to her from time to time. She is also a mystery to me at times. The other day I put her up as we were going to have a round-up and I didn’t want her getting the cows in an uproar; not her Yearling Herd or the Middle Herd. She was quite content to be in the Paddock eating oats and hay. She didn’t put up a fuss to get out as she usually does when she sees her herd walking off. So, I am thinking, gosh she is finally learning the good reason why I put her up.
The next morning, I went down to let her out and lo! and behold! she wouldn’t go. I pushed the gate in and out thinking she was just being horsey. She just stood there. I couldn’t imagine why she wouldn’t want out. Sundance went down to her stable and I decided she must have her reason and maybe she would give me a clue later. Well, I didn’t make it back down to the Paddock area. But she was fine when I walked out in the yard and looked down that way.
Next day was the same deal. She wouldn’t budge and then it hit me. She was wanting oats before she went out. She only gets fed once a day but she was changing the time on me without letting me know in advance. Well, I guess she did let me know the first day she wouldn’t go out. I ended up practically pushing her out because I knew with the rain and cold front coming in, I was going to put her up for a couple of days. She needs to run, and she has a beautiful place to run on the Red Oak Ranch!