by Jan Fielden

After the drive looking at the trees with all their glorious color, I have noticed the cows more. They seem to be more satisfied with the way things are. They come up to the barn when it gets to be around 4 p.m. and they are always looking for something to eat but not in a frantic way. And, then, come the deer! We are getting more and more of them every day it seems.

I was looking at the deer this afternoon, and it made Christmas all the more exciting since we have deer at the ranch. I hope they stay around here so that when the grandkids come they can be entertained by the deer also. The deer are almost tame around here and I expect everyday to have one of them jump the fence around the yard. That has happened before and it was fun to see that.

Speaking of grandkids, I believe all of them will be here for Christmas. I can hardly wait to see them as it has been a while since we were all together. It will be a lot of fun as we have one new great-granddaughter. So, the Red Oak Ranch will be basking in the joy of the Christmas season and giving thanks to our Lord for our family.