By Jan Fielden


I am trying so hard to do all the things that I normally put off.  So far, I haven’t made a dent.  I wanted to have the taxes for 2022 ready to send in, but I haven’t even started on them!  Next, I wanted to have the house cleaned so that when it is times to decorate for Christmas, I will be all ready to do that.  Haven’t done that either.  Next, I wanted to have my shopping done, wrapped and ready to send some things but I haven’t done any of that either.  I have always worked better when I am under pressure!  At least that is my excuse for not having any of these things done.

I can hardly wait for feeding the cows to start.  I love doing that.  I don’t like it when they all rush in, but I can’t blame them either.  It is a fun time to watch the cows trying to find a spot to eat from.  The best thing is watching the little calves hunker down in the hall.  Most of them are totally covered by hay and the most you can see is their heads!

Some of the older cows are probably going to Buffalo this year.  That is kind of a sad thing because they are leaving their home where they have been raised.  I sometimes wonder what they are thinking when the trailer arrives.  I hope they have good memories of the Red Oak Ranch (if they have memories!).