by Jan Fielden

The deer and the cows are becoming best friends it appears.  Oh, I guess, best friend with the BEAGLE too!  It is getting harder to find the cows lately.  The Colonel opened up the Sweet 16 Pasture so they would have more grass and it is close to the lake which is slowly going down.  I am having a hard time knowing if the brown leaves on the trees are because it is getting close to Autumn or if the trees are dying.  All of the leaves have sap on them and that is causing a big mess for the house.  Tasha goes outside and walks around, while at the same time, she is having leaves stick to the bottom of her feet!  Strange.

We are so appreciative for the cooler temperatures at night and early in the morning.  It warms up later in the day, but it doesn’t last too long.  The cows keep going into the Sweet Gum Grove in the afternoon to get cool.  I hope the winter isn’t too cold and isn’t windy at all.  It is hard to keep feeding the cows when your hands are frozen, and the wind is blowing to beat the band!  Such is life I guess!

When I got up this morning, I thought someone was burning something.  It didn’t smell like a fire but the sky and even close to the ground it appeared to be smoke.  I finally decided it was a “low hanging cloud” that got caught up in the morning fog.  Such is life at the Red Oak Ranch, interesting scenery.