by Jan Fielden

The calves are sticking closer to their Mommas’ lately. I wonder if it is because they know soon there will be much cooler weather or is it just that they want to spend some time with their Mommas’?

I got so lost last week trying to find a company in Mexia. Now, I know how to get to Mexia, and I have been to this company before. Of course, my excuse was The Colonel gave me new directions to get to the company, but it just wouldn’t work out. I drove down I45 and up I45. I drove to Richland, Wortham, etc. Then I started over at I45. The Colonel and my son were waiting for me to pick them up and I was going back and forth on I45 again plus I was stopping at three different places asking for directions. Most of the ones I asked gave me directions that I had already come from. Finally, I found someone in Mexia who gave me the correct directions to follow! I was not that far away from where I wanted to pick my family up.

As I drove in, my son came out the door of the company and I started talking to him. Telling him how sorry I was that I was so late in getting there. I told him it ran in my family. My sister cannot follow directions even with a GPS. I forgot I had one in the car, or I would have turned it on. That’s what worry does to you. Everything ended good, the three of us went to Collin Street Bakery and had lunch and visited for a while. That was a great time. I am thinking maybe I shouldn’t get too far away from the Red Oak Ranch.