by Jan Fielden

The cows and calves are trying to get on my good side, I suppose, since they are eating leaves off the vines growing on the yard fence. I could understand this if they had no grass but there is lots of grass for the taking. The only problem is they eat only the leaf of the things growing and not the spine of it which will just grow more leaves. Some of these vines like Rattan have thorns on them and I am surprised that the little calves would keep eating on them.

Calves don’t seem to have a care in the world though. Most everybody and everything has gone through that in a lifetime, I guess. The calves run and jump and play fight with each other and before you know it, they are fighting for real and then suddenly stop and walk away. I remember two bulls we had and the younger one beat the older one in a fight. The bull who was beaten just laid down and looked so sad. He took it for granted that his place was taken, finally got up and walked away.

There are only 19 days until our granddaughter arrives. We are going to celebrate her 20-year birthday of which she is unaware. Seems impossible that she is 20 years old, but I bet she thinks it took a long, long time to get to be twenty. The Red Oak Ranch will be decorated for her birthday and for The Colonel’s.