by Jan Fielden

In the Middle Herd we have 20 cows and 21 calves of all sizes. This is after we “cut” back. We also have 2 Range Bulls. The herds just keep growing and I keep saying, we are suppose to be cutting down the herds so there are not so many. The Colonel tells me he will keep at least five heifers and is already picking out which ones to pick. So, when winter comes again this year, we have probably will have a herd as big as we have had in the past.

Today as I looked out the bay window, I saw two Mommas leading a line of calves. They were marching in a straight line, one after the other. The larger calves kept in line and kept the pace. The smaller ones were jumping up and down every once in a while, getting out of step and line and then back in step and line. It was a cute sight to see.

After all that, I went down to the corral to feed Sweet Pea. I was holding the bottle and talking a mile a minute to her when I felt something nudge me. It was Lucinda, one of the other calves we raised, all grown up with babies of her own. She smelled the bottle, licked the outside and I kept pushing her back as I was having trouble holding on to the bottle. It didn’t work, she just kept licking the bottle on the outside. So,
finally I said, Lucinda do you want some of this milk? I pulled it out of Sweet Pea’s mouth, and let some milk dribble out on Lucinda’s lips. She must have licked her chops thirty times even after all the milk was gone from her lips after the first lick. She finally gave up and walked away, but only after I rubbed behind her ears like she enjoys. Red Oak Ranch stories that are a part of the history.