by Jan Fielden

I decided some things in the animal world are somewhat the same as in the human life. Looking out the back windows this last week, I saw about five of the very young calves all lying together in the Northeast Pasture. Most of the other members of the herd were there also. I looked closer at the five calves and discovered their “Babysitter” was not that much older than they were. The calf was bigger but normally the babysitter is another cow.

When the babysitter started walking away from its’ charges, they jumped up and followed. Simply put, they just moved to another spot. I had to laugh because I decided the cows who were the mothers must have felt relieved. Then I thought about how this was the first time I have seen a calf looking after the calves. The mothers must have started a union and decided to protest about not getting any time off. Do not think, however, that the mommas don’t love their babies because they do. If you have ever seen them run after a trailer that is hauling their baby away while calling to them, you would see for yourself they know love!

On another note: I have had three Hummingbirds already. I do not have my feeders out because the wind continues to blow like crazy and they would just be blown down. I do worry that the three I saw might be scouts and since there are no feeders out they will go back to the flock and tell them that the Red Oak Ranch is not feeding this year. Hopefully, none will believe that.