by Jan Fielden

We were getting ready to leave, but had already made the decision to take care of a “not so pleasant task” before doing so. Yellow Jackets had built a large nest on the screen of one of the windows. It was actually hanging from the wooden border going around the window but it was hanging down and touching the screen. There must have been…I don’t know how many, but a lot of them on the nest.

The Colonel turned to me and said you go ahead to the truck and leave a door open for me so I can get in quick if necessary after I spray the nest. I looked at him and said I am going to the truck and the doors will be unlocked but not open! He said, OK, whatever. So, I sat in the truck and watched “my hero” spraying the Yellow Jacket nest and then doing some fancy steps as he moved away from the area. He got most of them but there were still some flying around and they were mad or at least appeared to be mad. They were flying here and there and all around. The Colonel went back in the house to get his gloves I think as we were headed to the pasture to work on a fence. He walked slowly up to the truck, got in, and said let’s go.

Everything was fine or so I thought until the next day when I headed to the store. I could hear something buzzing on the back window and suddenly it flew up front…a stray Yellow Jacket! I immediately lowered all windows and drove as fast as I could and not get a ticket. Somewhere along the way it flew out. I am hoping it doesn’t come back and start a nest of its own on the Red Oak Ranch!