Have you ever had one of those days, weeks, or months when everything seems to go wrong?  You might get so use to everything going wrong that nothing surprises you and you don’t even wait for the other shoe to drop.  Some days are just meant for laughing because there is no other way to get through the day!  The Colonel never understands that but I embrace it whole-heartedly.

It started off with the microwave going out, as in out, out, won’t work, out!  I remember the good ole days when there weren’t any microwaves and I don’t know when it happened that I became so attached to one.  It seems I use a microwave so much more than I realized.  But then, it is always that way when something goes out.  For example, you have absolutely no place to go for days one end and then when your car won’t start it seems as if you have every place to go.  So, the microwave is out, the repairman says we can buy a new one cheaper than we can have this one repaired.  What a shame that we just throw things away these days.  In getting over that bit of news I opened the chest freezer door and noticed that water was running off the door as I lifted it.

I looked closely and realized my non-self defrosting chest freezer is now self defrosting!  It is also packed with food.  It was not that long ago that we butchered a calf, plus all the other things you put in a deep freezer.  OK!  So now we have a real problem.  We have an upright freezer down in the shop along with a refrigerator that has a freezer across the top.  We have a side-by-side in the house, so between those three appliances we can handle almost all of it.  I let the left overs I had frozen go by the way side.  Did I mention that the computer in my truck is sending all kinds of messages to me?  Life at the Red Oak Ranch!