This morning when I looked out the windows I saw a Winter Wonderland!!  It was around 6:30 a.m. and the pastures were completely covered with frost.  It was quiet, beautiful, and very peaceful.  The cows were in hiding trying to stay warm so nothing had trampled the frost.  I was so glad I got to see this beautiful sight.  It reminded me of a Christmas card.
This is unusual for me because I am one of those people that cringe in October when I see stores already starting to put out Christmas decorations, toys, etc.  I want them to wait at least until after Thanksgiving to decorate and play the Christmas songs over and over.  I talked to a clerk in a store in Palestine while a Christmas song was playing.  I asked her if she was sick of Christmas by the time it got here.  She said I’m sick of it now and if that Santa Claus (it was a toy Santa) yells ho, ho, ho one more time I’m going to hit it.  I could imagine I would say the same thing if I had to listen to it all day long.
This week is Thanksgiving and the Red Oak Ranch will be celebrating with family.  We have many things to be thankful for and we wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving too.