The cows have more grass than they can possibly eat, in all three herds.  But every time The Colonel drives through a pasture in either “Ole Blue” or his Black Knight truck, they come running and follow him.  They end up surrounding his truck and he has to tell them, I have nothing for you; I am just taking the trash over or I am just driving through the pasture, or I am going to town…but still they think he is coming to give them something…anything!  We wonder what in the world they are going to do when we actually start feeding.  The other day as he led the Middle Herd to the feeder to let them know he had put a new salt block in it, they grabbed some salt and then lined up to go into the trap.  They thought we were having a round-up and there they were waiting to help us out!!  You never know what cows will do next.
There are new calves being born daily here and it is so cute to watch the “baby sitter cows” take care of them.  We saw a cow lying down with four little calves all around her the other day.  When she got up, they got up, when she lay back down, they did the same!  She had them trained in nothing flat!!   It is interesting to watch this kind of activity because these baby sitters never go off and leave “their charges” and the calves never leave the baby sitters either.  When their time to enjoy some freedom from taking care of their new babies is up, the mommas always know exactly where the baby sitter and calves are and goes to pick up her little calf.  We watch closely the doings of the Red Oak Ranch…they are usually better than a movie!